About Us
Our Mission
To provide a thriving outlet to connect consumers and producers of local, sustainably grown food products so that it strengthens community and the local farming economy.
A Special Farmers Market is Planted, Grows and Thrives
On September 29, 2006 the newly founded Bucks County Foodshed Alliance held a Harvest Festival at the Middletown Grange Fairgrounds in Wrightstown to kick off the Wrightstown Farmers Market, a new kind of farmers market that would inspire numerous others in the county.
Farmers and Consumers Deliberate
The idea for the market had been spawned at meetings in the summer of 2006 when new local farmers who were growing using organic practices or with animals on pasture met with community members to discuss ways to work together to promote local, sustainable agriculture and to facilitate connections between local farmers and local consumers. The farmers often were renting land, in off-the-beaten-track locations and needed access to markets and help educating consumers about why their products are superior. The farmers and consumers had come together after members of the new Anchor Run Farm CSA in Wrightstown were so impressed with the flavor and quality of the vegetables they were receiving from the CSA that they wanted to be able to get meat, dairy and eggs produced locally without harmful products as well. They were also excited by the friendships they had made through the CSA, and they liked using their food dollars to support the local community and local farmers. When the farmers at the early Foodshed Alliance meetings expressed a need for more markets, the seed was planted for a market geared only for locally grown or produced products and which would give priority to agricultural products grown without fossil fuel dependent chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and animals grown humanely and the way nature intended. Many of the participants at the meetings already understood the damage that is done to our health, air, water and climate by agricultural systems that rely heavily on irrigation, extensive packaging, processing, long distance shipping and concentrated animal feeding operations. Others recognized the many benefits of supporting local farms, which are still being lost at an alarming rate. They wanted to build an alternative, local, healthy, sustainable food system that would increase local resiliency and food security.